I always discuss things that involves health. One dictionary defines health as "soundness of physical, mental or moral condition especially freedom from bodily pain or disease." But true health is more than that. It includes the joy of living, the power and ability to lead a satisfying, purposeful life.

The condition of the bloodstream is very closely related to the general health. The blood is in intimate contact with, and permeates almost every part of the body, directly or indirectly. It may be likened to a universal transport system within the body.

a) It carries the red blood cells with their precious oxygen, without which the various parts of the body would soon die.

FACT: Organic Germanium from Ganoderma increases the ability of red blood cell to transport oxygen up to 1.5 times and even 2 times. Increased oxygen supply can nourish body cells and control cancer cells. It also helps to increase the rate of metabolism and delay aging.

b) It carries water, the life-giving fluid, to all the cells.

FACT: Ganoderma contains Potassium that is necessary to keep a normal water balance between the cells and body fluids. It also contain Sodium that helps keep the water (the amount of fluid inside and outside the body's cells) and electrolyte balance of the body.

c) It carries away the wastes formed as by-products of the generation of heat and energy in the body. The result from the supply of oxygen, and the natural functioning of the body and must be carried to various organs of excretion, such as the liver, kidneys, and skin.

FACT: Organic Germanium discard toxins especially heavy metals such as mercury and lead.

d) During digestion, food passes through the alimentary tract, where elements of nutrition are extracted and then transported by the blood. Finally, the body's assimilation procedure involves the liver's processing and the movement of nutrition in the blood to tissue that must be fed so that growth and physical energy will occur.

FACT: Triterpenes are proven to strengthens stomach and digestive system.

e) Among the various things transported by the blood are the hormones and secretions from the ductless glands. These act many times as chemical messenger to initiate or inhibit various functions. For example, most people know that in an emergency, the body is able to perform feats that are normally beyond the range of ordinary ability. This is made possible by the adrenalin released into the blood in times of fear or emergency. This is carried to the muscles, to enable them to respond to the crises.

FACT: Studies showed that Triterpenes are involved in transmitting nerve impulses to the brain's cortex. So they aid in enhancing all central nervous system functions. It also enhances the action of body hormones and maintains stability among various body systems.

Another very important function is performed by the white corpuscles in the blood which act as security guards. In the event of infection, they attack and protect the body from harmful bacteria.

FACT: Polysaccharides help to strengthen one's immune system and improve vitality.

The blood also carries the platelets that are used in making both temporary and permanent repairs in the event of injury. All are familiar with the ability of the blood to clot and form protective scab which stops the loss of body fluids until healing has taken place.

FACT: Ganoderma also has Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is effective for antioxidant, anti-free radicals and anti-ageing. It slows down the ageing of cells and promotes rejuvenation. This is an important factor in prolonging aging and preventing diseases caused by aging. Superoxide Dismutase protect cells from DNA damage, ionizing radiation damage, protein damage and lipid damage. It also contain Zinc for wound healing and Manganese for blood-clotting factors.

The logical conclusion is that good health and good blood go hand in hand. It is obvious that if blood is unable to fill any of its assigned duties, then the natural consequence will be ill health. Ganoderma would be a great help in keeping yourself healthy.

Reference: Plants and Health by A.C. SAS
Organic Germanium is one of the most active component of Ganoderma Lucidum. Compared to Ganoderma, mycelium in Ganoderma absorbs Organic Germanium and minerals faster. According to a report from Japan, contents of Organic Germanium in mycelium is 6,000 part per million (ppm) compared with Ganoderma which has organic germanium contents of 800 to 2,000 ppm.

Mycelium of Ganoderma Lucidum produced by OrGano Gold is rich in polysaccharides, organic germanium, vitamins and minerals that can help improve body function and blood circulation. OrGano Gold Mycelium can effectively stimulate cell nucleus and enhance its metabolism thus helping eliminate toxin from the body. It also helps strengthen cell membrane's function, that is, to prevent toxic material from entering into cell, thus promoting body immune system.

I recommend to TAKE OrGano Gold Ganoderma and OrGano Gold Mycelium TOGETHER for more BETTER RESULT.


We should drink healthy coffee because it is:

* 100% Organic
* Low in Acid
* Low in Caffeine
* Helps Promote Healthy Weight Loss
* Rejuvenate and Promote Longevity
* Improve the Body's Performance
* Reduce Mental and Physical Fatigue
* Rich in antioxidants
* Helps to eliminate body toxins
* Supports the immune system
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The most precious part of Ganoderma Lucidum is the Ganoderma spore. This Spore Powder refers to the seeds of Ganoderma Plant that are released by the Ganoderma Fruit Body once it reaches maturity. This part contains the most beneficial components for our health such as polysaccharides, Ganoderma acid and minerals. A spore was found to be 75 times greater efficacy than that of the Ganoderma Body which is proved by the Scientist. 1000kg Ganoderma can only extract 1kg spore powder that makes it very rare and valuable.

However, Ganoderma spore shell or husk is hard and solid. Human body cannot easily digest it. That's why a special spore shell breaking technique is developed for removing the hard shell of the Spore aiding absorption by the human body - delivering the full medical value of the spore.

The Ganoderma Lucidum spore is a powerful supplement that is believed to have anti-tumor and immuno-potentiating properties (enhancing the functioning of the immune system). Therefore, it is most beneficial for those fighting illnesses such as cancer and the adverse effects of cancer treatment, hepatitis, AIDS complex, herpes zoster, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, chronic bronchitis and allergies.

OrGano Gold's 100% Organic Ganoderma Spore Powder is the seed of Ganoderma Lucidum. It is natural log wood cultivated and extracted thru low-temperature shell-broken technology with a purity reaching 99.9%. Certified Organic in China, the U.S., Japan, and E.U.

Specification: 250mg / capsule x 90 capsules / bottle Usage and Dosage: 2-3 times daily, with warm water. Best taken half an hour before meal.