A. Cosmonaut training in Russia
*Observed Effects
1. Improves work capacity
2. Rapid recovery of normal physiology

B. Usage with conventional treatment in
cancer therapy
*Observed Effects
1. Maintains leukocyte counts
2. Enhances the immune system
3. Reduces chemotherapy toxicity and elimination of induced leucopenia
(low blood leukocytes) by chemotherapy and radiation
4. Accelerates postsurgical recovery
5. Sedation, pain relief and reduction of morphine dependence in terminal cancer patients
6. Usage during remission to prevent relapses

C. Cardiovascular disorders including
1. Coronary dilation and increasing coronary circulation
2. Increases frequency and amplitude of heart contraction
3. Blood pressure regulation together with other medication
4. Antihyperlipidemic, antihypoglycemic and antiplatelet aggregation
(blood clots)
5. Relief from oxygen deprivation

D. Immunomodulation effects
1. Anticancer
2. Antiviral (e.g., anti-HIV)
3. Antibacterial
4. Anti-inflammatory
5. Therapy of autoimmune disorders
6. Inhibition of histamine release in allergy and prevention of
aphylactic shock

E. Usage during remission of cancer
and hepatitis B treatment

F. Enhancing oxygen utilization
1. Relief from discomfort of high-altitude stress, headaches, dizziness,
nausea, and insomnia
2. Relief of oxygen deprivation caused by coronary arteries blocked by
atheromas, spasms, or clots
3. Tolerance to hypobaric (low pressure) conditions

G. Other examples
1. Usage in combination with other medication
2. Anti-aging, antioxidant free radical scavenger
3. Antidiabetic

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