
Ganoderma Lucidum has 5,000 years of history as a medicine in China. Since the ancient times, it has been called the magic herb, aspicious herb, precious herb, a herb for life. It is also treated as "panacea," tribute for emperors and later earned the nickname "supernatural eastern mushroom" from people of the west.

During the reign of Emperor Han Wu Di about 2100 years ago, Ganoderma Lucidum were found growing all over the palace. Officials attributed this unusual sights to the merits and virtues of the Emperor. It is said that he had touched Heaven and Earth to grant the growth of this auspicious herb in the palace grounds. Ganoderma Lucidum was seen as a symbol of prosperity and peace for the nation and longevity for the Emperor during the Handi-Wudi Epoch.

A man named Pengzu who was from Wuyi Mountain lived for 700 years, with theface of a child, never looking old, and owed it only to Ganodema Lucidum. The way he kept himself in good health was by taking Ganoderma Lucidum and drinking the chute, living in reclusion ang good health.

The virtues of Ganoderma (Lingzhi in Chinese, Reishi in Japanese) have been known since ancient times in China and first documented during the reign of Fu Xi (2952 - 2836 BC). Fu Xi was a legendary Chinese ruler, and historically known as the "First of the Three August Ones."

Ganoderma was so valued that it was used almost exclusively by Emperors and by high ranking courtesans. It is no wonder Ganoderma is called "The King of Herbs."
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