The process of natural wood log cultivation is commonly used to grow superior quality Ganoderma Lucidum. This process begins with the culturing of a high quality Ganoderma Lucidum fungus strain in test tubes for about 85 days. The germinating fungi are then inserted into holes drilled into selected high grade logs between 26 to 30 years old. These logs are then placed in a greenhouse and buried under soil that is rich in nutrients for 5 months. During this growth period, the Ganoderma Lucidum fungi absorb almost all of the nutrients from the soil. After five years of use, the soil must lay dormant for 2 to 3 years to allow replenishment of nutrients into the soil before it can be used again.

To ensure a high quality Ganoderma Lucidum harvest, continued monitoring of temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, light intensity and nutrients to maintain finest growth conditions. The greenhouse is sprayed with moisture daily to stimulate growth and maintain a humidity of 90 to 95%. This sprayed moisture is sanitized to prevent the Ganoderma Lucidum from being eroded by bacteria. This sprays should be free of any chemicals or pesticides.

The Ganoderma Lucidums are grown for another 100 days until they mature to their full size. In the long run, the mushrooms produce a thick coating of spores and spraying is stopped when the mushrooms release their spores into the air. Finally, the Ganoderma Lucidum grows for an additional two weeks before being harvested.

A healthy and mature Ganoderma Lucidum plant is distinguished by its large size, thick cap and overall weight. Although Ganoderma grow larger with age, they are best harvested at the height of maturity when they are fresh and moist inside; older plants may be larger in size, but they are also usually too dry and brittle to be effective.

In summary, the effectiveness of a Ganoderma Lucidum in enhancing one's health depends on four main criteria:

1) the quality of the plant's mother fungi;
2) the method of cultivation;
3) the growing conditions;
4) the harvest time.

Thus, it is clear that companies who use a more complex method of Ganoderma Lucidum cultivation like the natural wood log method are more likely to satisfy these four criteria, and produce superior Ganoderma Lucidum crops.


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