The legendary person called Qian Keng who lived during the Shang Dynasty (c.16th century-11th century B.C.), believed to be the eighth generation descendant of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor. Because of Qian Keng's outstanding achievements, King Yao gave him the title of lord of Pengcheng (present-day Xuzhou in Jiangsu) and thus he became known by the surname Peng. His descendants referred to him as Peng Zu (Ancestor Peng).

Peng Zu is a legendary long-living figure in China who was from Wuyi Mountain. He has supposedly lived since Yin Dynasty. Official Court records document that he lived to be 880 years old (some say that one year was 60 days in ancient China, that made him more than 130 years old while others say he was accidentally missed out from the death list in heaven). He was well known in the Chinese culture as a symbol for long life, nutrition treatment and sex therapeutic treatment. He maintained his health so well that he married more than 100 wives along the way and fathered hundred of children, as late as in his 800s.

Peng Zu was said to have the face of a child, never-looking old man. The way he kept himself in good health was by taking Ganoderma Lucidum and drinking the chute, living in reclusion and good health. Chinese people believe that his long life, good health and sexual energy were attributed to the food he ate.
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