Studies shows that the health-enhancing properties of Ganoderma Lcidum are strongest when the plant is fully mature, a state that is almost impossible to find in the wild due to the unstable environmental conditions that exist in the natural habitat of Ganoderma Lucidum.

As a result, the majority of Ganoderma Lucidum products sold on the market today use mushrooms that have been cultivated. Generally, Ganoderma Lucidum growth can be grouped into natural growth, capsulated cultivation and natural wood log cultivation. Each of this has its own growth pattern, advantages and disadvantages.

Natural Growth
This is known as wild Ganoderma, grown in nature. It depends on decomposed wooden particle of tree to form its fruit body. This scarce fungus is usually found in high and steep mountain areas and mountain cliffs.
Even if someone finds it by chance, its effects are always lost due to aging. It becomes hard like leather and it may also be toxic if the wood is contaminated. By then, Ganoderma spore powder in the fruit body has already been released. Hence its potency is very low.

Capsulated Cultivation (Vacuum packing)
This is still the most popular Ganoderma cultivation method today. It uses crams of wood dust and chemical materials. Such Ganoderma Lucidum has a short growth period and can be harvested in just two months.
In this method, Ganoderma Lucidum are unable to take enough natural sunlight, rain and essence of nature. Because of this, the body of Ganoderma Lucidum is soft, loose and split in shape. This method of cultivation maybe highly productive and low cost but as the fungus is grown on wooden crams and chemicals, the content of Organic Germanium, Triterpenes and Polysaccharides are lower. Hence its healing effect is much lower than log wood Ganoderma Lucidum. The most precious Ganoderma spore powder cannot also be extracted from this kind of cultivation.

Natural Wood Log Cultivation
Natural wood log Ganoderma Lucidum is cultivated on natural log wood, taking one year to harvest. The process itself is time consuming and requires much effort. However, as it takes time to fully absorb sunlight and water, it has a solid and firm body. It also contains the invaluable Ganoderma spore.
The Organic Germanium, Triterpenes and Polysaccharides in natural wood log cultivated Ganoderma are about 6 times higher than natural and capsulated Ganoderma.
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